The Spiritual Dimension of Dreams 


Dreamspace, Dreamtime, the astral world, the inner planes, 5th, 6th, 7th dimensions, the celestial realms, the inner temples ... these are a few of the words traditions around the world have used to describe the realms beyond the physical plane. 

Awakening consciousness and exploring the inner path of wisdom always includes these realms, though named and mapped in different ways.  This is because we explore and come to know greater reality when we awaken consciousness, and reality is vastly greater than the physical plane.


We learn from our dreams in many ways, from seeing hidden psychological habits, getting glimpses of the future, being shown the truth of others in our lives, to experiences with ancestors and spiritual experiences of profound learning about the nature of our Soul and greater reality.  Traditions around the world have spoken of the power and wisdom available in these realms to aid us to see clearly, awaken consciousness and learn.


Learning in the Dream Realms

Try this simple technique. As you go to sleep each night, state clearly, mentally, what it is you want to see or learn.  It might be that you want see who you really are, you want guidance about something in your life, you want to be awake in the dream and be able to direct yourself consciously through different dimensions, you want to study with a specific God, Goddess, Master or visit a specific temple.  Place your attention in your heart and allow your deepest desire for this to be true.  As you feel this energy grow allow it to connect with the energy center in your throat.  Feel into this, letting all thoughts fade, as you enter into the dreamspace.  Anytime you wake in the night or in the morning, scan your mind and heart for any memories.  Write them down. Allow yourself to feel the gratitude for what you were shown. Do this every night for a week and see what unfolds.  Message me and let me know.

Common Experiences

People commonly experience both psychological training and spiritual guidance in their dreams as they awaken consciousness.  These dimensions are always present, even when your consciousness is seeing through your physical body.  The more you awaken here on the physical plane, the easier it becomes to learn in the dream worlds.  You can choose to consciously digest psychological patterns, receive wisdom related to anything you choose, and so much more.  Sometimes you are consiously aware in those realms, sometimes you're not, sometimes you transition from consicounsess in the physical plane into other dimensions.  All these are common and provide an opportunity for you to learn, expand your consiousness, and access deep wisdom.

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