Consciousness & Community

Have you been wanting to connect with a group of individuals who share you're enjoyment of awakening consciousness and living multidimensionally? 

I invite you to join a carefully curated group of others who will be your soul tribe, who will understand and share your experiences, who will sometimes teach you and at other times learn from you. 

I traveled the world, literally, in search of other benevolent and kind magical people.  From the time I was a little girl I wondered if there were others more like me, and with all my heart I longed to meet them (not just in the inner worlds!)!  I found that more than anything I enjoy bringing people like us together in community. And let all the magic happen.

In each group you will make deep connections while also learning practical tools to help you continue to awaken consciousness, to remember more deeply who you are, and to tap into and elaborate your work here. You will also explore working with energy and become more stable and defined with your unique gifts. 

There is no fixed investment. Give what you feel you want to give.  

Contact me through the link below to complete the intake form and schedule your interview.  

We have members around the world and specific group placement will depend on many factors.


These groups include people who have touched upon the unknown and are pushing through to see what more is there.  You may have become aware of psychological patterns and begun to break free.  You may receive wisdom in your dreams however are not always sure how to interpret or make best use of what you're taught.  You have sought out different traditions, teachers and healers as you've navigated your spiritual path.  Come meet others like you with whom you share a common  purpose.


You have experienced many things. You may be awake out of the body at times. You may be working with different ways of mastering your relationship with the unseen, exploring different traditions both from teachings here and from what you're shown internally or in other dimensions.  You are exploring all these things.  You've learned much about your own unique gifts.  You're always moved when you meet others who share your understanding of the unseen.  Join a group to meet with others who continue to  explore and refine their mastery,  sharing experiences and insights, practices, and knowings. This group helps its members expand and anchor their power in physical form.


Fellow travelers.  You have explored much of the seen and unseen worlds.  You have refined your gifts and the tools you use.  You know who you are and delight in the continued elaboration of all that you are.  While you've settled into a certain understanding of yourself and the Cosmos, you know that community is important to achieving what you came here to do.  And you know how much fun it is to work with others who are just a bit like you.  Come join other magical people and make connection you've been waiting for all your life.



The groups meet between one to four times per month, depending on the group.

Each group is carefully put together so that everyone joins a group that resonates with where they are and what they need.

You will talk with Katherine 1:1 prior to being placed in a group.

You may either be placed immediately, or join a waitlist until a place in the appropriate group becomes available.

 Who's The Right Fit? 

These groups are for people who know, and may have always known, that there is more to this world than physical reality.  You may be on the early steps of you're path to exploring spiritual truths or you may have traveled the realms and experienced multi-dimensional reality since you were a young child, or somewhere between these two.  All of you will find community and connection in these groups.  Because I love fostering deep connection, and communities where people resonate with others and share experiences, I curate these groups very carefully.  One person's master is another's student.  And many both teach and learn from others.  This is the power of sharing with like-minded others, and working together.   

These groups include people from all walks of life and professions.  Some work in the healing and spiritual arts, many others come from traditional professions such as academia, music and the arts, medicine, law, and other sciences.  You name it.  The common thread that brings these communities together is that each one of you has experienced directly that reality is not limited to the 3D, common narrative.  You have the desire to share in community your experience of greater reality and continued growth.  

You seek a community where you can learn and practice new tools, grow and share your experiences. You crave the  support community brings to walking your path and want to know others more like you.




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